Till vänster: ASAP Rocky. Till höger: hans försvarsadvokat Henrik Olsson Lilja.
Till vänster: ASAP Rocky. Till höger: hans försvarsadvokat Henrik Olsson Lilja. Foto: TT

ASAP Rocky denies being held under inhumane conditions


ASAP Rocky's lawyer Henrik Olsson Lilja says to SVT Kulturnyheterna that his client denies being held under inhumane conditions as reported by the American outlet TMZ.

ASAP Rocky has been held in Stockholm since July 2 and is under investigation for assault. The American news outlet TMZ has reported his conditions to be “inhumane”, which the artist denies, according to his lawyer Henrik Olsson Lilja.

“He has never spoken to TMZ or anyone outside about the conditions when he was first detained and kept in custody. He was treated then, and is treated now, correctly. However, he has experienced the conditions in custody as very plain and has perceived a smell of urine in his cell.”

For the first 72 hours, ASAP Rocky was kept in a custody cell. Since then he has been moved to a detention centre. In a written statement to Kulturnyheterna, Henrik Olsson Lilja says that ASAP Rocky has met with staff from the American consulate.

“He was lacking in appetite when he was first arrested, but he tries to eat. He was supposed to receive a visit from the American consulate at an early stage of his detainment and perceived that staff from the American embassy was not allowed to visit him. A day or so later, the visitation took place. He is not able to determine if this is in violation of the Vienna convention or not. He is not aware of the other claims made in the TMZ article.”

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