• Viktigt meddelande:

    Viktigt meddelande till allmänheten i Skelleftehamn och Örviken i Skellefteå kommun, Västerbottens län. Det brinner i ett industriområde med kraftig rökutveckling till följd. Räddningsledaren uppmanar alla i området att gå inomhus och stänga dörrar, fönster och ventilation. För mer information lyssna på Sveriges Radio P4 Västerbotten.

Foto: Marja-Terttu Karlsson

Caught a wolf in the sky


Marja-Terttu Karlsson, who resides in Pajala, near Swedish Lapland, did not realise how lucky she had been when she was out to photograph the northern lights last week.

Only when she uploaded the images to the computer, she recognised the familiar shape that appeared right before her eyes:

– I thought ”oh my God, it resembles a fox or a wolf or something.” I didn't know when I photographed what I got. It was amazing, she says.

Norrsken Norrbotten

Northern lights are common in the arctic region of the northern hemisphere and are caused by the solar wind colliding with the atmosphere. Recent years northern lights have been getting more common, caused by increased solar activity.

Ms Karlssons picture of the celestial animal has since become a viral success. It has been shared thousands of times on Facebook, but has also raised suspicion. Several people have been in contact with both SVT nyheter Norrbotten and the photographer herself, to question the authenticity of the picture.

– They think it is fake, but I can assure all sceptics that it's genuine, Ms Karlsson tells SVT nyheter Norrbotten.

Så arbetar vi

SVT:s nyheter ska stå för saklighet och opartiskhet. Det vi publicerar ska vara sant och relevant. Vid akuta nyhetslägen kan det vara svårt att få alla fakta bekräftade, då ska vi berätta vad vi vet – och inte vet. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar.

Norrsken Norrbotten

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