Snoop Dogg’s drug test positive – not prosecuted


World famous music artist Snoop Dogg was arrested by Swedish police after performing at a gig in Uppsala, as they suspected him to be under the influence. Results from extensive drug tests show that the rapper was in fact heavily influenced by drugs. However, he will not be facing charges.

At 11 pm on July 25, world famous hip hop artist Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr, more commonly known as Snoop Dogg, was arrested by Swedish police in Uppsala after a unique performance in the city. A performance much appreciated by the audience. Suspicions that the artist may have been under the influence of drugs had surfaced.

Artist condemned police actions

The rapper criticized the police for their actions, complaining that the arrest was a clear example of racial profiling and racism, which the police were quick to deny.

The initial drug test did suggest that the artist was under the influence of drugs, which the artist himself denied in comments on social media. The initial test was not enough evidence to prosecute Snoop Dogg, which is why an additional urine test sample was forwarded to the National Forensic Centre, NFC, in Sweden for further testing. The sample has now been analysed and shows that the world known artist was heavily influenced by drugs.

Highest level measurable

– The test result was the highest level measurable, says police investigator Magnus Hänström.

Although the test result was positive, the investigation has been closed.

– Yes we have decided to close the investigation. It was closed the day after we received the test samples, Magnus Hänström says.

Investigation closed down

How come?

– Our assessment was that we did not have enough material to prosecute him.

What do you mean?

– He had a prescription, that he did show at the time, which gives him permission to purchase and use narcotics in some states in the US, Magnus Hänström says.

Even though the police were aware that the chances of the case ever leading to a prosecution against the rapper were slim, Magnus Hänström is satisfied with the investigation and points out:

– We are all equal before the law.

Several patrols stopped rapper

Police have previously stated that Snoop Dogg was stopped during a routine check on Kungsängsleden in Uppsala shortly after the concert. Reasons to why the check was carried out have as of yet not been given by police, but suspicions of drug offences emerged during the check.

But according to information obtained by SVT Nyheter Uppsala, stopping Snoop Dogg for a check was planned, and several police patrols participated in the action, both uniformed and civilian.

A notification about the decision to close down the investigation has been sent to Snoop Dogg, who has yet to respond. SVT Nyheter Uppsala has reached out to the rapper for a comment.

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