Gender equality on TV – this is how we do it Foto: SVT

Gender equality on the TV screen – three years in a row


Several studies show that men dominate the news around the world. But for the third year in a row, SVT Nyheter Västerbotten managed to interview exactly 50 percent men and 50 percent women in the broadcasts during 2018.

A study by Equalisters of 2,400 articles shows that out of those interviewed in the Swedish news, 7 out of 10 are men.

In the rest of the world the men dominate the news even more and only one out of four are women, according to the global newsstudy GMMP, Global Media Monitoring Project.

Clear goals

But by setting clear goals and counting every day, SVT Nyheter Västerbotten continues to break the patterns of male dominance. The result is more diversity in the broadcasts.

– Our broadcasts should reflect what Sweden looks like and we want new voices and perspectives, says Anders Bäckström who is editor-in-chief and publisher of SVT Nyheter Västerbotten.

Så arbetar vi

SVT:s nyheter ska stå för saklighet och opartiskhet. Det vi publicerar ska vara sant och relevant. Vid akuta nyhetslägen kan det vara svårt att få alla fakta bekräftade, då ska vi berätta vad vi vet – och inte vet. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar.