UN: Stop the mining in Sweden


The UN Commitee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination calls on the Swedish government to stop all activities at the proposed nickel mine in Rönnbäcken south of Tärnaby, Västerbotten, Sweden.

The intervention is pending a UN investigation on whether mining plans violate the UN racial discrimination rules. The indigenous people, the samis, herd their reindeers in the area and a mine will severely harm these ancient traditions, representatives say.

This is the first time the Commitee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination received a complaint relating to a specific mining project. Recently, the Committee criticized Sweden for not taking the situation of the indigenous people into consideration when endorsing mining projects and new establishments of mines.

Gruvan i Rönnbäcken

Earlier this year, the Swedish government decided that mining interests should take precedence over the interests of reindeer herding in Rönnbäcken.

Nickel Mountain, the company that plans to begin mining nickel in Rönnbäcken, has received a permit for mining and plans to open three pits outside Tärnaby.

However, the company has not yet received an environmental permit.

The establishment of the mine is estimated to cost about 10 billion.

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Gruvan i Rönnbäcken

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