Gulnara Karimovas stab svarar på SVT:s kritik

Uppdrag granskning ·

I ett brev till Gulnara Karimova och Gayene Avakyan på tisdagen bad SVT:s Uppdrag granskning om skyndsamma kommentarer till den mycket allvarliga kritik som framförs mot de bägge i programmet. Här är det ordagranna svaret från Dinara Dultaeva, presstalesman på Karimovas stiftelse Fund Forum:

“We were very happy to get an information from you regarding your programme. We are sure that it can make a very interesting “discovery” as Mr. Frederic Laurin have made a very shocking appearance into Teliasonera office in Stockholm on Sunday. 

We would be happy to help you with any questions regarding the Fund Forum activities. Unfortunately after carefully studying your questions we have found only one question which could be answered by us.

“That Avakyan has held the position as vice director of House of Style, funded by Karimova and presently works Karimovas foundation Fund forum”

To answer to your question we have to point out firstly that as a commercial officially  registered Company and operated by talented young designers such as  Kanishka, Dildora Kasimova, Zulfiya sultanbaeva, Munisa Askarova, Artem Drobishev, Taisiya Chursina, Munira Alimukhamedova, Madina Kasimbaeva.

House of style doesn’t have any ties with the Fund Forum. The Fund Forum is a pubic organization which is registered in 2004 by famous people from all over the world who was born or lived in Uzbekistan.

Fund Forum has a huge structure under which there are over thirty different foundations and projects are operating. Many of them have very good relations with creative personalities and organizations throughout the world. House of Style regularly takes part designer shows organized by Osiyo Razmi (National Association of designers of Uzbekistan) as well as many other houses such as Balmain, Yves Saint Lauren, Cavalli, Ines de la Fresange, Kenzo, Kamishima Chinami, Chisato Tsumori and others.

For more information regarding our shows you can visit our official website

With your other 8 questions you most likely will be able to contact PR person of Ms. Gayane Avakyan or her personally. She is one of the most active business women in Uzbekistan and has wide professional network in Tashkent and far beyond, also with famous art personalities, as we know.

What we can assure you with is that she absolutely does not have any relationship to the House of Style and never had shared any chairs as fashion jury member or been a procurator for any cultural exhibitions “for Karimovas”. 

If you as we believe creative people would ever be interested in REAL activities of the Fund Forum and hundred of thousands of people who are involved in the very inspiring process and many projects we do hold every year, we will be most happy to communicate with you and give you wide information on each.

We are sure that you will be touched and once you have the in-depth look you will stay as friends, which we keep making with every project we create.

Warm regards,”

Efter att brevet kom till Uppdrag granskning har redaktionen förgäves sökt Dulateva för att få kontaktuppgifter till Gayane Avakyan men utan resultat.

Här är brevet från Uppdrag granskning till Gulnara Karimova och Gayane Avakyan:

Gothenburg 2012-09-18

Attention: Gulnara Karimova and Gayene Avakyan,  Through Dinara Dultaeva, press spokesperson for Fund Forum (,

CC:Robert Olsson, Head of SVT Gothenburg,  Nils Hanson, Chief Editor “Uppdrag granskning”.

Dear Sirs!

Swedish Public Television, SVT, will on Wednesday 20:00 CET air a documentary in its current affairs program “Uppdrag granskning” (Mission Investigate) that contains severe allegations against both Miss Karimova and Miss Avakyan and we are now requesting your comment to these allegations.

The report covers the acquisition of licenses by the Swedish state-owned Telco Teliasonera from the Gibraltar based company Takilant in 2007, a deal that in the end led to Takilant  receiving payments and shares corresponding to 2,2 billion Swedish crowns.

We state in the report that:

* Gayane Avakyan is the sole owner of Takilant and a representative and front person for Gulnara Karimova.

* That Avakyan has held the position as vice director of House of style, funded by Karimova and presently works Karimovas foundation Fund forum.

* That they have shared chairs as fashion-jury members and that Avakyan has been  procurator for Karimovas cultural exhibitions.

* That Avakyan is central in a criminal investigation in Switzerland of suspected money laundering.

* That large funds suspected to be connected to Gulnara Karimova has been frozen by the Swiss authorities.

* That Teliasonera and Takilant is part of the Swizz investigation.

* We qoute US State department cables citing the Karimovs as “Robber barons”

* The the cashflow and assets in the Takilant balance sheet does not reflect what Teliasonera claims in their annual report of Takilant being the owner of 26 % of Ucell (Uzbek Telecom Holding BV).

* That Gulnara Karimova is the possible final recipient of the payments from Teliasonera and hence has received “kick-backs” to supply Teliasonera with licenses for mobile telephony in Uzbekistan. 

We kindly ask you to present any comment or corrections to the allegations above in writing to this address ( before 09:00 hours on Wednesday 19 September.

Yours Sincerely

Sanna Klinghoffer


Swedish Television (SVT)

Uppdrag granskning

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