Mission Investigate is presented by Ali Fegan and Karin Mattisson. Foto: Sofia Sabel

Read all about Mission Investigate

Uppdrag granskning ·

Mission Investigate (Uppdrag granskning) is the leading Swedish TV programme for investigative journalism. For 15 years the TV show has exposed corruption, abuse of power and systemic failure on all levels of society.

The weekly programme is produced by the Swedish public service broadcaster Sveriges Television, SVT. The programme is presented by Karin Mattisson and Ali Fegan.

Mission Investigate collaborates with the global network ICIJ, The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, and several of our staff are members.

Over the years, several programmes produced by the Mission Investigate team have gained widespread attention at home and abroad. Mission Investigate has won a large number of Swedish and international awards.

In 2019, the show won an Emmy Award in the Current Affairs catogory for the investigation “Deceptive Diplomacy”.

In collaboration with Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Monde, Foreign Policy magazine and Radio France International, Mission Investigate gained access to thousands of leaked documents from within the UN headquarters in New York. The documents revealed how Top UN officials withheld crucial information about the murder of the UN experts Zaida Catalán and Michael Sharp in the Democratic Republic of Congo last year.

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